Tour of Kuala Terengganu

Madame Paulin was our constant companion on the island, as well as Mr How and Ms Fadzilah, who kept us company for the entire trip.

Here we are in front of the White Mosque, upon arrival at Kuala Terengganu

Madame Paulin takes us to visit a Chinese temple

Mme Paulin was also our gracious tour guide the next day, Sunday, the Prophet’s Birthday (a holiday), as we saw the sights of Kuala Terengganu, including the exquisite Crystal Mosque.

Here we are in front of the exquisite Crystal Mosque

The camera just doesn't do it justice

We stayed the night at the Permai Hotel where we prepared for the next day’s visit to Sekolah Sri Utama Kuala Terengganu, after a delicious banquet at a Chinese restaurant.

Now THIS is great Chinese food!

Hungry Mr How with Tom and Becky, who is giving Felicia her "teacher look"

We were eager to get to KL’s sister school, Sekolah Sri Utama Kuala Terengganu, the next day….

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